Sports Chiropractor in Jackson, MS
have questions regarding Sports and athletic chiropractic care in the Jackson area?
Did you know that most professional sports teams have chiropractors on staff? Optimal performance is everything! Student athletes have the additional challenge of adapting to an ever-growing body during their training. Regular chiropractic care can help prevent injuries by improving joint proprioception. Proprioception is the awareness of the body in space. Athletes are constantly required to use their joints and muscles to adapt to changes in their sport’s environment and chiropractic care helps facilitate that.
We do not rely on adjustments alone to help you recover. Keeping in mind the soft tissue imbalances that accompany the lack of joint motion, we use an integrated multifaceted approach of treating a musculoskeletal condition. The chiropractic adjustment is a very effective and powerful treatment. However, in many situations, adjusting alone does not correct imbalances and dysfunction in the soft tissues which include your muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves.
We use a variety of manual therapy techniques to treat the soft tissues effectively, such as the clinically proven Active Release Technique (ART), Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, Cold Laser, and physiotherapy modalities. By combining this with an adjustment, we can produce fast, effective, and long-lasting results for our patients.